Sunday, November 11, 2007

Rushing Children to Adulthood

Some of the responses to my first blog and the opinion of my husband lead me to ask this question. When we provide early or advanced entry to college are we rushing children to adulthood that they are not ready or prepared for?

Some of the responses from my first blog, High School Dual Enrollment, lead me to think that many of you think the same thing. My son will graduate from high school with an associate transfer degree from a community college at the age of 17. He plans to attend Virginia Tech and the dual enrollment program he is in is supposed to allow him to graduate in two years from the four year university. That means he will graduate from Virginia Tech with a bachelors degree at the age of 19. Hopefully he will continue into a masters program and hopefully ( with a little encouragement from me) double major into another area as well but if neither of these things happen, will he be mature enough and ready to begin his career at age 19? Parents of children in these programs have many questions like these and would like to hear from those of you who have experienced it already

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