Saturday, September 22, 2007

Dual Enrollment in High School Courses

I am a high school teacher in small rural Southside Virginia and a doctoral student at NOVA Southeastern University in Florida. My school system has recently initiated a dual-enrollment program with nearby community colleges where a student can earn enough college credits in high school that he can graduate from the community college with a two-year General Studies transfer degree at the same time he graduates from high school. The intention is for the student to transfer to a four year university and be able to complete it in two years. I have decided to write my dissertation of the impact this has on our students. I am interested in hearing from anyone, student, teacher, guidance counselor, community college or four year university professors, and parents about how you feel about this issue. I am particularly interested in hearing from any of you that have experienced this and can tell me about the adjustments you have had to make. How did this impact you socially, mentally, and academically and also how receptive to your dual enrolled credits was the university you attended. If you have any information you can share with me, or even just your personal opinion, I would appreciate it.